Lighting The Way to a Bright Future
A bright future starts with understanding the unique challenges and diverse needs that adults with disabilities face, and at Thomas Edison Center we strive to provide a supportive and empowering platform that fosters community, growth, and well-being.

We are the difference!

We embrace moving people with disabilities from segregated and exploited to included and valued.
Our Services
Thomas Edison Center Provides Opportunities for all individuals.
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Adult Day Services

Our day services strive to be based on individualized interests with a focus around community activity and community membership.

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Vocational Habilitation

We are a training center that prepares individuals for community employment.

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Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (ODD)

Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) strives allows  to provide services through an Employment First Partnership

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Transportation Services

We provide safe, reliable transportation for individuals who are employed or receiving day services

Get in Touch!
If you’re looking to learn more about about our Adult Day Services please contact Brad Etter or Carla Frank for more information.
Brad Etter
Director of Operations
Carla Frank
Employment Operations Manager